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Mintel Reports – research partners

Learn about the research experts we partner with to conduct consumer research.

Updated over 4 months ago

To conduct consumer research, we partner with local experts around the world. Read this article to get an overview of our partners and some details on how they work.

Dynata (English version)

As a leading provider of first-party data, Dynata serves nearly 6,000 market research agencies, media and advertising agencies, consulting and investment firms, and healthcare and corporate customers in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Mintel partners with Dynata (formerly Research Now SSI) to complete online research in:

  • Ireland (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland)

  • India

  • Australia

  • Indonesia

  • the Republic of Korea

  • Thailand

  • New Zealand

Dynata (Thai version)

ในฐานะเป็นผู้ให้บริการข้อมูลที่บริษัทจัดเก็บโดยตรง ซึ่ง Dynata ให้บริการบริษัทวิจัยตลาดเกือบ 6,000 บริษัท รวมทั้งบริษัทด้านสื่อและโฆษณา บริษัทที่ปรึกษาและการลงทุน ตลอดจนลูกค้าด้านการดูแลสุขภาพและองค์กรในอเมริกาเหนือ อเมริกาใต้ ยุโรป และเอเชียแปซิฟิก

Mintel พันธมิตรกับ Dynata (เดิมชื่อ Research Now SSI) เพื่อทำการวิจัยออนไลน์ใน:

  • ไอร์แลนด์ (สาธารณรัฐไอร์แลนด์และไอร์แลนด์เหนือ)

  • อินเดีย

  • ออสเตรเลีย

  • อินโดนีเซีย

  • สาธารณรัฐเกาหลี

  • ประเทศไทย

  • นิวซีแลนด์


Ipsos Capibus uses a two-stage random location sample design which generates a very high-quality sample representative of the Great Britain adult population. Interviews are conducted via c170-180 sampling points, randomly selected every week, and CACI ACORN is employed to set interlocking quota controls specific to each interviewer location. This ensures consistent, accurate representation of the locations interviewed every week. By using this proven sample design, all sub-sectors of the population are represented – at a national and regional level.

All information collected on Capibus is then weighted to reflect the known profile of the adult population in Great Britain. Capibus uses a rim weighting system which weights the 2011 census and PAMCo-defined profiles for age, social grade, region, ethnicity and working status – within gender. Additional profiles used include tenure and car in household, for example.

Because the sampling process is repeated every week, the Capibus sample is matched wave on wave, making it ideal for taking successive measurements on the same issue.

Socio-economic grade is classified according to the occupation of the chief income earner in the household. A number of questions are asked by the interviewer in order to assign social grade accurately. The interviewer probes the respondent for information about the occupation of the chief income earner, the type of organisation they work for, job actually done, job title/rank/grade, and whether the chief income earner is self-employed. Additionally, questions are asked about the number of people working at the place of employment and whether the chief income earner is responsible for anyone, together with confirmation of qualifications. Once the interviewer is satisfied that sufficient information has been gathered in order to determine social grade, their estimate is recorded and this is later double-checked for accuracy by experts in social grading coding at Ipsos when it can be amended if necessary.

Ipsos Observer India

Ipsos Observer is part of Ipsos India and is specialized in providing research support services across India and globally.

Ipsos India has one of the best infrastructure and operations support with more than 650 employees locally. Ipsos India runs all projects in accordance with the standards laid out in ISO 20252:2012, ensuring a consistent quality of work to the highest standards in the industry. Ipsos' processes are annually audited by accredited external quality assessors.

Kantar Profiles

Kantar Profiles is the industry's largest single source of permission-based panels with the largest number of profile attributes globally.

📌 Note: Kantar Profiles used to be known as Lightspeed. It re-branded in 2021 and Mintel publications are using the new name since September 2021.

Kantar Profiles only works with permission-based panellists and ensures data collection is done in accordance with data protection regulations around the world, whether it’s double opt-in (DOI) panellists or programmatic supply. Recruitment methodologies for their DOI respondent panels are done through traditional advertising, as well as both internal and external affiliate networks.

Kantar measures recruitment sources on multiple metrics to track both activity and engagement by demographic group, which contributes to the quality of data from their panellists. Kantar Profiles also uses unique quality check tools to add an extra layer of data verification and quality control from recruitment through project execution.

We work with Kantar Profiles on the following reports:

  • Europe

  • Brazil

  • Canada

  • Germany

  • United Kingdom

  • United States

KuRunData (English version)

For our China Report series, we have commissioned exclusive consumer research through KuRunData, a Chinese licensed market survey agent.

KuRunData was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Shanghai, with branches in Beijing and Guangzhou. They are a member of the China Market Research Association (CMRA) and a member of ESOMAR. They joined ITWP Group in 2017. The group includes well-known market research companies such as Toluna and Harris Interactive. KuRunData own the interactive panel websites and, as well as a WeChat survey applet. They provide panel data for major multinational research companies, including IPSOS, TNS, Nielsen, Kantar, Intage, Pulse, SSI and ResearchNow.

KuRunData have completed more than 4,000 projects and interviewed more than 2,000,000 samples per year. Their online panel size is 12,000,000 (as of October 2021).

KuRunData's sampling and quality control in done the following way.

  1. Screening – Exclude those who:

    • have participated in any survey project in the past three months

    • are working in any sensitive or related industries

    • have participated in previous Mintel surveys

    • have not met sample criteria

    • spend less time than average on answering the survey

  2. Sampling

    • the system will output all qualified panellists

    • random sample 30,000 panellists and send out first wave of invitations via SMS or email

    • random sample another 30,000 panellists and send out second wave of invitations

    • random sample final batch of 30,000 panellists and send out third wave of invitations

  3. Quality control

    • each panellist has provided KuRunData with their own IP address together with all personal information

    • each panellist needs to use the same IP address and cookie as their registered IP address and cookie to participate in any survey project, and they can participate in the same survey project only once

    • each respondent can use the web link they have received only once

    • A sample will be deleted if the respondent:

      • has given an answer to any open-ended question that is judged as of poor quality

      • has failed in any trap questions

      • has given any inconsistent answers, or contradicted their registered information

      • has given answers following certain patterns

      • has taken an extraordinary length of time to complete the questionnaire

      • is considered an outlier


成立于2006年,总部设在上海,并在北京和广州设有分公司。在线样本规模为12,000,000人(截至2021年10月)。拥有2个被访者互动网站 以及1个微信调研小程序。中国市场研究协会(CMRA)会员,ESOMAR成员。2017年加入ITWP集团,集团内包括Toluna , harrisinteractive等多家知名市场调研公司,每年完成4,000多个项目、累计访问样本量超过2,000,000个,为包括IPSOS、GMI、TNS Lightspeed等大型国际调研公司提供数据,并为Neilsen、Kantar、Intage、Pulse、SSI和ResearchNow等公司提供调研服务。


  1. 甄别 - 排除那些

    • 在过去3个月参加过任何调查的被访者

    • 从事任何敏感或相关行业的人员

    • 参与了上一次英敏特调查的被访者

    • 不符合样本条件的参与者

    • 回答问卷的时间低于平均时间者

  2. 取样

    • 系统将输出所有合格的备选成员

    • 随机抽样30,000名用户,并通过短信或者电子邮件发出第一轮邀请

    • 再次随机抽样30,000名用户,并发出第二轮邀请

    • 最后随机抽样30,000名用户,并发出第三轮邀请

  3. 质量控制

    • 每一位用户都要向库润数据提供他/她自己的IP地址和所有个人信息

    • 每一位用户都需要使用与注册相同的IP地址和cookie参与任何调查项目,他/她只被允许参加相同的调查一次

    • 每一位被访者只能使用收到的网页链接一次

    • 如果被访者出现下述情况,样本将会被删除

      • 提供低质量的开放性问题答案

      • 没有通过陷阱问题

      • 出现答案不一致或前后矛盾的信息

      • 提供模式固定的答案

      • 花费相当长的时间完成问卷调查

      • 被认定为是一个离群值数据


As internet penetration continues to boom throughout Latin America, Offerwise has positioned itself as an early leader of online panel providers and has one of the region’s largest online access panels in the industry. Currently, they offer one of the largest panels in Mexico, and Colombia along with fast growing panels in Chile, Peru, and Argentina.

Rakuten Insight (English version)

Established in 1997, Rakuten Insight has since grown into a pioneer of Asian online sample providers, recruiting respondents from their member database and networks, serving both domestic Asian and international clients.

Mintel partners with Rakuten Insight to complete online research in:

  • Japan

  • Hong Kong SAR of the PR of China

  • Malaysia

  • Philippines

  • Singapore

  • Vietnam




  • 日本 

  • 中国・香港

  • マレーシア

  • フィリピン

  • シンガポール

  • ベトナム

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