Mintel Global New Products Database

Get a brief overview of GNPD – the definitive source to track and analyse global product innovation data.

Updated over a week ago

Mintel Global New Products Database (GNPD) allows you to view a product launched halfway across the world in as much detail as if it were right in front of you. Our granular detail provides you with reliable, consistent and trendable product-level data and insight. Each product record contains more than 80 fields of information ranging from ingredients and materials to packaging and claims. Our sub-group classifications enable you to perform deeper analysis on the new products in the market. And every month, you’ll see more than 40,000 new beauty, drink, food, health, household care, hygiene, personal care and pet products across 86 markets.

How GNPD helps you:

  1. Identify future opportunities by understanding how product innovation is evolving and why.

  2. Make better decisions faster by keeping informed on what’s happening across your category and market.

  3. Gain competitive advantage by seeing what your competitors are doing and how global trends are evolving.

💡 Tip: We've been working on this database since 1996 – that's a quarter of a century of records now! But as we mentioned in the Introduction to Mintel, we've been in business for almost twice as long. That means we have an extensive archive of older publications which you can also search for data.

🧭 Up next: If you're already a GNPD client, browse our dedicated help pages for product innovation data and learn how to track and analyse product launches.

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